Apply for Supportive Transitional Housing
To apply for the Help To Home Supportive Transitional Housing Program fill out all the forms below and a Help to Home team member will contact you as soon as possible. ​​
Each form below will open in your browser or download to your device. The forms can be completed on line in a regular browser or PDF form filler. Call or text 941-587-5678 with questions. Attach completed forms to an email and send to Info@HelpToHome.org.
Help to Home Rental Application
Help to Home Unit Resident Program Pledge
Help to Home Client Rules & Regulations
Authorization for Verification of Information for Lease
Authorization for Release of Personal Information
Applicants MUST meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for the program:
Must have minor child or children living with them
Must have a full-time job with a regular income
Must have adequate income to cover their expenses, including rent
Security deposit will be paid by the client or the assisting agency
Must agree to deposit annual income tax refund into savings account and must save money in their savings account each month per their budget
Must express a desire and willingness to learn how to move out of the poverty cycle
Must agree to weekly case management meetings/financial literacy counseling sessions
Must agree in writing to abide by all rules and regulations, including the pledge, and program case plan
Must have a social security card
Must have checking and savings accounts or willing to get them before starting the program
Must be free of active addictions
Must agree to provide at each meeting all pay stubs from all sources of income, receipts for all expenses over $50 except food, gas receipts and prescriptions.