Why Support the Hope Village Initiative
The average apartment rent in Manatee County is nearly $2,000, or more than 40% of an average household’s income (compared to only 25% in a typical small American city). The burden is worse for residents who are well below the average income. They often spend 50% or more of their income on rent alone.
This cost can make it almost impossible to establish stability.
We believe the starting point for a better life is reduced rent and access to stable housing.

Your Help Is Needed Now!
It’s very hard for someone to change their life for the better if they are worrying about where they will sleep tonight or if there will be food for dinner. They live in “survival mode.” That’s where Hope Village of Manatee fits in, we give vulnerable residents a chance to stabilize their lives, and then change things for the better. Housing is the foundation for life change.
The overall cost of Hope Village, including land and buildings, is about $9 million. Help To Home Inc., the developer of Hope Village, has received a gift of $1.5 million to buy the land and build the street and underground utilities. The board is now looking for investors to help build homes and transform lives.
Hope Village of Manatee will be funded 100% by private donors like yourself who see this as an opportunity to help vulnerable families flourish while building a better Manatee County. No loans or government funding will be accepted to support this initiative.